
USIB THE TEAM - Shipping & Delivery

At USIB THE TEAM, we understand the importance of getting your project delivered efficiently and on time. Whether you're looking for web development, web design, application development, or digital marketing services, we offer clear and transparent shipping and delivery policies.

Digital Delivery:

Since USIB THE TEAM provides digital services, all our products and deliverables are delivered electronically. You won't receive any physical packages in the mail.

Here's how you can expect to receive your project deliverables:

  • Web Development & Web Design: Upon project completion, you'll receive access to your completed website through a secure online platform. We'll provide detailed instructions and training materials to ensure you can easily manage your website.
  • Application Development: Developed mobile or web applications will be delivered electronically in a format compatible with your chosen platform (iOS, Android, web browser, etc.). We'll also provide clear installation instructions and ongoing support, if needed.
  • Digital Marketing Services: Reports, strategies, and other marketing materials will be delivered electronically via secure file-sharing platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Delivery Timeframes:

We understand that every project has a unique timeline. During the initial consultation and project planning stage, we'll establish a clear delivery timeframe based on the scope and complexity of your project. We'll keep you updated throughout the development process and communicate any potential delays promptly.

Revisions & Adjustments:

USIB THE TEAM is committed to exceeding your expectations. We offer a revision process to ensure your complete satisfaction with the final product. The specific number of revisions included will be outlined in your project contract.

Additional Information:

  • We offer secure and reliable data transfer methods to ensure the confidentiality and safety of your project files.
  • We encourage open communication throughout the project. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about delivery or project updates.

Contact Us:

For any further questions regarding our Shipping & Delivery policy, please don't hesitate to contact us through our website contact form, email at info@usibtheteam.com.

Thank you for choosing USIB THE TEAM!